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LMBA and Police Accountability

The Loren Miller Bar Association has been working in cooperation with many other minority bar associations and with the leadership of Michele Storms and the ACLU of Washington in responding to the potential violation of the Seattle Police Department-DOJ Consent Decree. The violations of the Accountability Ordinance came by way of a collective bargaining agreement that eliminated many of the Accountability Ordinance reforms. On May 21, 2019, Judge Robart ordered the City -- with the DOJ and the Community Police Commission -- to demonstrate by July 15th how the City would achieve compliance. On June 21, LMBA joined with 30 other groups in urging the Mayor Durkan and the City Council to work with the CPC to comply with Judge Robart's order and achieve compliance. Mayor Durkan responded on July 10th, indicating the City intended to work with a group of national experts instead of the local CPC. On July 11th, Judge Robart granted the City a month-long extension to respond to his order.

LMBA continues to cooperate with the ACLU and other MBAs on this issue going forward.


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